Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Music Class

I have been loving the Oliver + S 'Music Class' jumper (dress) View B for a long time and finally got around to making in a month or two ago.  It has been a huge hit with K and she would wear it constantly if she could.
It was super easy to make and I used a light brown drill with embroidered animals on it that I bought at Spotlight last year.  It is a lovely soft fabric and with a hint of green in the animals I used matching green thread and buttons.


  1. Isn't this a great pattern? It's a favourite of mine and always looks so cute. It's also such a classic style so I'm sure you'll make it over and over again. Well done!

    1. Thank you! I would love to make it as part of a school uniform - it would look so much nicer than the alternatives that are sold.


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