My little K turned five the other day.
The last month has been a flurry of finishing tasks (here and here) - as well as making the obligatory cake - or should I say cakes! This year (and only this year) we had to do four!
Firstly there was a plate full of mini cupcakes to take to her preschool.
Then there was a lolly cake for Playcentre. This one definitely won the prize for simplest cake of all, you can find a recipe here. K even added to the enjoyment by having her face painted as a zebra!
We had family around over Easter - K has five little girl cousins, all similar in age. So to celebrate with them we had pizza and more cake! This chocolate version (with matching icing) came from this great Sophie Gray book, as did my pizza base recipe.
Then on her actual birthday she had friends and other grandparents around to enjoy a great pirate rumbustification.... with another chocolate cake! This was the most planned of all and the one that K had specifically requested. Needless to say we are still eating cake and trying to wear off some of the after effects!
As part of the pirate fun my H set up a 'plank' off our farm ute for the children to jump into a 'sea' of bags. This was a huge hit with the children!
I purchased a number of pirate themed party pieces but did make a pinata in the shape of a treasure chest. I used a beer bottle box and added one layer of paper mache over the joins and holes. This was just the right amount of strength as they took a few turns each to burst it.
My super mother-in-law makes cupcakes for K's birthday every year - and this time they were 'X marks the spot' themes. Yum!
A final image is of K and her cousins (oldest is 6 and youngest nearly three) waiting at the bar for their fluffies (hot milk with chocolate). We're hoping that this is not a sign of things to come!

Point of sewing interest - all are wearing me-made clothes! K couldn't wear her class picnic blouse as it was in the wash.