I've made a few changes on my blog - hopefully to keep it more up-to-date.
I took away the 'Google friends' link - I'm sorry, but I never really understood it.
I added 'follow me with Bloglovin' and 'follow me with Feedly' buttons. These are on the right side of this blog.
I use Feedly and really enjoy it. I have it synced with my smartphone and can update myself on my favourite blogs at any time.
I also added a 'follow me on Pinterest' button. I have been using Pinterest for a while for many forms of inspiration, even before we had broadband! Its great place for crafters and you can follow this button to view my favourites. I hope you like them. :-)
Recently I counted up the number of items I've made using
Oliver + S patterns. I got to 60 !!!!! I plan to blog about some of these soon - well a sort-of catch up session on things I made back when we only had a dial-up internet connection.
To keep up the momentum this is number 61, a pair of 'After School trousers' in green cotton duck (or something similar).
I got the fabric from a partial closing down sale at a local clothing business - it's heavy but should wear really well. I went for size 5, so they're a bit long. Plenty of room to grow. The fabric was $4 per metre and I used less than a metre ... $2.50 trousers??
Excuse the marks - these are great for playing in. I wonder if I should try to draft some up for me??